Au 4 saisons
Here is another feasibility
study made for an addition project for a seniors housing already containing
about forty rooms. The goal is to bring the building to close to 80 units of lodgings,
or in another words, adding about 40 rooms, a new dining room and new kitchen.
Such is the customer's demand. The drawings from our
study illustrate this text : Here are the existing and new sectors.
The addition is always planned according to a modular
frame to allow the
choice between the pre-fabricated modular construction or conventional
construction. The modular option is often allowed in our studies
for an important reason : To shorten and to simplify the
construction on the site, the coming and going of
vehicles and the unusual occurrences in this kind of building of a such
noise sensitive population. Every feasibility study carries its share of constraints and particular
demands, what makes of each an "unique adventure" and doesn't
suffer inaccuracy :
In fact, from seriousness of the study and the exactness
of its
conclusions, depends the success or no of the project :
The goals and requirements are :
First the complete respect of the
National Building Code or otherwise,
obtaining derogations by equivalent measures by the 'Régie du Bâtiment".
The complete respect of the urbanistic regulations
or otherwise,
obtaining derogations by equivalent or compensatory measures.
The growth of the profitability of the establishment.
The improvement of the ambiance and the well-being of the residents.
To increase the functionality of the building for the residents and for
the staff.