1 - Welcome!




Our staff


2 - Our Services

Our services



Our projects


3 - Thematic Architecture






4 - News and Advice






5 - Computer Aided Drawing and 3D Modeling

3D modeling








Contact Us







Welcome to our web site!


We hope that your visit will be enriching and instructive, because beyond the promotion of our services, this site is a place of information, news as well as culture.

Click here for an outlook of our site

Note: The plans, views and 2D and 3D models appearing in Michel Tellier architect architecture web sites are protected under the copyright law. An agreement must be taken with Michel Tellier architect  before all use for the teaching, advertising, design, architecture, construction or all other use intended for profit, etc. All reproduction, partial or complete must be identified with the author's name Michel Tellier architect architecture and carry the mention: Subject to the copyright law.


W h a t' s  N e w


Celebrate architecture!


There is a new page in our site, entitled ''Celebrate architecture!''.
There you will see very interesting projects, ordered for someone or conceived for our own pleasure, it will propose architectural ideas and to illustrate our fields of interests and our capacities beyond what our current practice allow us.

Click here to know more about it


Cross-shaped Tower

One shape with endless possibilities!





Click on the images for details



Cross-shaped House

A cross-shaped plan! Balance, stability, and at the same time, capriciousness and functionality


Click on the image for details

DenoSol House

An eco-energetic and passive solar

inspiration house


Click on the image for details


Corner building

With interior open yard


Click on the image for details

The arts museum

Art on the building itself


Click on the image for details


The tower

Modernity well thought


Click on the image for details

Institutional facility

The beauty of the shapes and volumes


Click on the image for details


House render

Some examples


Click on the image for details

The institutional tower

What a beautful office!


Click on the image for details


L a t e s t   p r o j e c t s


Here is some of our latest or current projects!



Les Condos du Manoir Fortin (Phase 2)

A high quality seniors housing project at

 Mont-Tremblant (Saint-Jovite)


See the video about the project

See the video about prefabricated modular construction  


Michel Laporte Marine





O u r   a p p l i c a t i o n   f i e l d   i n   a r c h i t e c t u r e



Seniors housing



Office buildings

Commercial buildings


Institutional buildings




Sport facilities



Apartments buildings

Historic buildings additions


Agricultural buildings

Solar, healthy and eco energetic architecture



Public places planning



O t h e r s   s e r v i c e s   a v a i l a b l e s



Interior design



Expertise and advice



Prefabricated  modular construction

3D modeling and promotional documents


Architectural software packages training

Architectural software packages advice



Visit our web site regularly.

Call us: It will be a pleasure to answer you.


Michel Tellier - architect




Main office: 629, rue de la Visitation, Saint-Charles-Borromée, (Qc) Canada  J6E 4P8

Phone number: 450 759 3093

Web Sites: www.tellier-architecte.com

E-mails: michel@tellier-architecte.com


Michel Tellier architecte - All rights reserved

Web site conceived by: Michel Tellier - michel@tellier-architecte.com

Last updated: Friday, January 14, 2011 11:00 AM